Monday, March 21, 2016

Updating on projects albeit a bit late...

I did absolutely no work over break on principal, a decision which I am sure to regret as the week wears on and I become buried in work I could have finished last week.

My going public project has hit a bit of a snag in that I have have had problems securing permission from local businesses to close Main Street on the day of the GMM March. At this point, I am unsure if I want to move forward with a different location or without closing the street. 

The group project, on the other hand is coming along nicely. On Friday the 11th, Andy and I drove to Missoula to access the special collections in the library at UofM. While Andy accessed the special collections with the help of the researchers in special collections, I searched through old copies of the local newspaper. We both found many useful pieces of discourse surrounding the internment camp and coming from within the camp. As well, the researchers were very helpful and used the library database to find us several more resources to look into. 
We also had a lot of fun and found some not-so-useful discourse ;) 

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